Wore my furry hoodie to Far East Florals to shop for flowers a day before the wedding! It's really really cold there bbbrrrrrrrrr. so suit up if you're the kind like me who don't specifically have something in mind and likes to take time to slowly shop around so you don't freeze till your teeth chatters.
Got us some blooms!
So my room is all in this pretty mess all day while I do my arrangements.
This was only my 2nd time doing a flower arrangements so I thought it wasn't too bad! :D
♡ Love, TheLuckiestChick.
This is a super cute flower basket frame. Those pink flowers with purple ones are looking so charming. I too have been planning to make some flower crafts for my sister’s bridal shower party. I would like to use original flowers and will use online BloomThat Florist Delivery services for that.
It looks like there is magic in that artist's hand, loved it.
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